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Welcome to Haymaker Golf Course

Located in the lush Yampa Valley Region of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Haymaker Golf Course is a Championship Golf Course Gem. Snow-capped Mount Werner frames many of the holes, while the spectacular Flat Top Mountain Range serves as a picturesque backdrop. As your day begins, directly ahead of you is a challenging links-style course with native grasses and wetlands to enhance the wide open fairways. Created out of vast ranch-land and rock piles, this Keith Foster design is home to where many elk, eagles, and blue herons roam.

Environmental Sustainability & The Golfer

Haymaker Golf Course is proud to have obtained Audubon International's Highest Distinction, classified as a 'Signature Program' golf course facility. What does that mean for you, the golfer? Simply put, you're in for a round to remember, as we maintain the highest environmental standards, in place to preserve the natural beauty of the course, its surroundings, and native wildlife frequently seen throughout the property.